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REAL ESTATE: 4037 Calumet Dr, Antioch, TN
Start Time
Directions to the Property: From Nashville take I-24E to Hickory Hollow Pkwy Exit 60. Then take a right on Bell Rd. Then right onto Hamilton Church Rd to left on Calumet Drive. Property on right. Look for auction signs.
PREVIEW: 1-Hour Prior to the Auction

REAL ESTATE: 336-338 Wilhagan Rd, Nashville, TN
Start Time
End Time
PREVIEWS: Monday, Feb. 17th from 1-2 PM and Monday, March 3rd from 1-2 PM
Directions to the Property: From Interstate 24 W toward Nashville - Take Exit 52 US-41 S / Murfreesboro Pike, turn right onto Murfreesboro Pike, turn left on Wilhagan Road (traffic light) property on left.

REAL ESTATE: 1445 Tomahawk Trace, Murfreesboro, TN - April 5th Auction
Start Time
Directions to the Property: From I-24 West take Exit 78B onto SR - 96 East, .3 miles turn right onto Old Fort Parkway, 800 ft turn left onto Thompson Lane, 3.3 miles turn right onto Haynes Drive, .8 miles turn right onto Tomahawk Trace. Property will be on your right. Look for Auction Signs.
PREVIEW: Sunday, March 30th from 1-2 PM