WAREHOUSE LIQUIDATION: 1167 Haley Rd, Murfreesboro, TN SF1

ONLINE WAREHOUSE LIQUIDATION AUCTION featuring Shipping Container, Generator, Metal Cabinets, Office Supplies, Fine Framed Art, File Cabinets, Folding Tables, Metal Carts, Folding Chairs, Office Chairs and MORE!! Over 250 Items to bid on!!
1167 Haley Road, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Sunday, September 24th, 2017 @ 7:00 PM.
PREVIEW: Tuesday, September 19th from 5-6 PM.
PICK-UP ITEMS: Monday, September 25th from 2-6 PM.
Comas Montgomery Realty and Auction Co.
(615) 895-0078
120/240 Volts 120 bolts (2) 120 volt GFI, A/C Circuit Breaker, Voltmeter, Run Hours 1517, 15w, 40 Diesel Oil ONLY
The shipping container is loctaed in Murfreesboro Tennessee. Buyer is resposible for removing by October 31, 2017. Items in the container DO NOT sell with the container. SELLING CONTAINER ONLY!