PERSONAL PROPERTY: 105 Molloy St, McMinnville, TN

ONLINE PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION featuring Great Collection of Antiques, Furniture, Barbie Dolls, Vintage Porcelain Dolls, Kitchenware and More!
Selling from 105 Molloy Street
McMinnville, TN
"The Estate of William and Patricia Gauger"
Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 @ 8:00 PM
Great Collection of Antiques
Barbie Dolls
Vintage Porcelain Dolls
Kitchen Items
VHS Tapes
Decor and Much More!
PREVIEW: Monday, January 8th from 5-6 PM
PICK-UP ITEMS: Thursday, January 11th from 1-5 PM
Directions to the Property: From Woodbury - Head east on US - 70S E, turn left onto Post Road, left on Oak Hill Dr., right on Westbrook Ln, right on Molloy Street.
AUCTIONEER: Spencer Montgomery - Lic. 6668
(615) 785-7136 / (615) 895-0078
_Table Dimensions: 30'' x 90'' x 43''
_ Chair Dimensions: 34'' x 16'' x 16'' 27'' x 16'' x 16''